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感謝您購買小米手機延長保養服務,此項服務由小米香港有限公司("本公司"或"小米公司")提供,請您敬請留意以下條款,該條款在您購買本服務時,已向您告知並獲得您的認可。第一條 個人資料收集聲明“當您購買保障服務,申請維修服務時,您同意我們收集包括但不限於您的姓名、手機號碼、小米ID等個人資訊,手機相關資訊(如IMEI、型號等)、服務訂單資訊(如服務費、生效時間、保障起止期等)、申請維修資訊(如意外損壞原因、損壞部位、故障描述、維修用料明細、手機損壞圖片、總計費用等)等為您提供您選定的相應服務,我們尊重並保護您的個人隱私,並將按小米統一隱私政策保護您的資訊。同時,您同意您的上述相應資訊可能被披露、分享或轉移至香港境內或境外的關聯公司或協力廠商服務提供者(包括手機維修商、保險經紀、保險公司等),目的是為了向您提供手機延長保養服務。請您放心,我們僅會出於合法正當、特定必要且明確的目的共用您的資訊。

第一條 服務範圍



Mi 10T liteMi 10T lite 延長保養服務1990
Redmi Note 9 ProRedmi Note 9 Pro延長保養服務1990
Redmi Note 9Redmi Note9延長保養服務1490

第二條 不在本"意外保障服務"範圍的情形

(一) 發生下列任一情形,您將無法享受本服務:

1、 您維修手機的請求不在此延長保養服務約定的服務期限內;

2、 您的手機之前已經過非官方授權維修店進行拆機的;

3、 您未在本公司指定或書面同意的小米官方授權維修網點進行維修的;

4、 您送修的手機型號、IMEI等存在塗改、缺失、無法辨識或與購買本保障服務時所記載的不符;

5、 手機由於墜落、擠壓、碰撞、進液等意外情況,以及您的故意行為導致的手機損壞;

6、 手機程式、軟體,及不影響手機基本使用功能的附件或耗材,包括不限於耳機、充電設備、資料線等的磨損、損耗、損壞或滅失;

7、 電腦病毒、其他惡意編碼或類似指令破壞手機的正常功用或造成的手機資料、程式的毀損或失效;

8、 手機在外觀上的瑕疵,如脫漆、刮痕、褪色以及其他不影響正常使用的損失;

9、 因手機品質問題導致的任何間接損失或附帶損失(包括但不限於人身損害、業務損失、利潤損失、資料損失、故障時間損失及誤工費等任何經濟性利益的損失);

10、 您送修的手機發生過進水/浸液、主機板彎曲/變形的;

11、 修理後因價值降低而引起的損失;

12、 因被盜、被搶、遺失等原因導致的手機整件滅失的;

13、 戰爭、敵對行動、軍事行為、武裝衝突、罷工、騷亂、暴動、恐怖活動;

14、 颱風、洪水、地震、火山爆發或海嘯、核反應、核輻射或放射性污染;

15、 行政行為或司法行為;

(二) 下列的損失或費用,也均不屬於本服務的範圍:

1、 除手機品質故障問題外的其他需維修項,如需本公司提供維修服務,維修費用需要您自行承擔;特別說明地,若品質故障以外部件損壞對本次單獨維修造成影響,需要維修的,須由您先付費維修品質故障以外的損壞部件。

2、 您發生的任何與本服務條款有關的訴訟、仲裁以及相關費用;

3、 發生在香港區域以外的損失。

第三條 服務有效期:



第四條 購買須知


(二)購買本服務,請您按照本公司的要求如實填寫相關的保障資訊, 包括且不限於購買人姓名、手機號碼、手機 IMEI 碼等;




第五條 申請免費維修時需關注的重要事項:






(六)因不可抗力、 廠商缺料、運輸環節延遲等導致的維修服務遲延,本公司將及時通知您,並盡可能減少由於不可抗力、廠商缺料、運輸環節延遲導致的延遲時間。



第六條 服務終止:








第七條 取消與轉讓





Terms and Conditions of Mi Extended Warranty

Thank you for purchasing Mi Extended Warranty for Xiaomi mobile phones. This protection service is provided by Xiaomi HK Co., Ltd. ("the company" or "Xiaomi "). Please pay attention to the following terms, when you have purchased this service, we deem that you have read and confirmed the Terms and Conditions.

Personal Data Collection StatementWhen you purchase the Mi Extended Warranty and apply for repair service, you agree to Xiaomi’s collection of your personal information including but not limited to your name, mobile phone number, Xiaomi ID, mobile phone related information (such as IMEI, model, etc.), service order information (such as service fees, effective time, start and end period, etc.), application for maintenance information (such as accidental damage, damaged parts, fault description, repair materials details, mobile phone damage pictures, total fees, etc.), etc., to provide you with the corresponding services you choose. We respect and protect your personal privacy and will protect your information in accordance with Xiaomi's unified privacy policy. You also agree that your information above may be disclosed, shared, divulged, supplied or transferred to affiliates or third party service providers within or outside Hong Kong (including but not limited to mobile phone repairers, insurance brokers, insurance companies, insurance service providers etc.), in order to provide you with mobile phone Extended Warranty. Please be assured that we will only share your information for legitimate and specific purposes.

Part 1 Scope of Service

When Your Xiaomi mobile phone with paid Mi Extended Warranty, faces quality failure and cannot function properly, excluding deliberate damage, accidental failure, and software failure, you are entitled to enjoy multiple free repair service within one(1) year of validity, at Xiaomi official authorized service center.

This service is only applicable to Xiaomi Mobile devices purchased in Hong Kong.

Mobile modelMi Extended WarrantyRetail Price(HK$)Repair fee(HK$)
Mi 10T liteMi Extended Warranty for Mi 10T lite1990
Redmi Note 9 ProMi Extended Warranty for Redmi Note 9 Pro1990
Redmi Note 9Mi Extended Warranty for Redmi Note 91490

Part 2 Exclusions Terms

Under any of the following circumstances, you will not be able to enjoy Mi Extended Warranty service:

1) Your request to repair your mobile phone is not within the validity period agreed upon under Mi Extended Warranty.

2) Your mobile phone has been disassembled by an unofficial authorized repair shop.3) The repair of your mobile phone is not performed by the Xiaomi official authorized service center

4) The Mobile model you sent for repair, or the IMEI, etc. are altered, missing, unrecognizable, or inconsistent with those recorded when purchasing Mi Extended Warranty service

5) The mobile phone is damaged due to accidents such as falling, squeezing, collision, liquid damage, and your intentional behavior.

6) Mobile phone programs, software, and accessories or consumables that do not affect the basic functions of the mobile phone, including but not limited to wear, loss, damage, or loss of earphones, charging plug, charging cables, etc.

7) Computer viruses, other malicious codes or similar instructions destroy the normal functions of the mobile phone or cause damage or failure of mobile phone data and programs.

8) Defects in the appearance of the mobile phone, such as paint removal, scratches, fading and other losses that do not affect normal use.

9) Any indirect loss or consequential loss caused by the quality of the mobile phone (including but not limited to personal injury, business loss, profit loss, data loss, downtime loss, loss of work time and any economic benefit loss).

10) The mobile phone you sent for repair has experienced water, immersion, or bending, deformation on the mainboard.

11) Loss caused by value reduction after repair.

12) The mobile phone is lost due to theft, robbery, missing, etc.

13) War, hostilities, military actions, armed conflicts, strikes, riots, civil commotion, terrorist activities.

14) Your mobile phone is damaged due to force majeure such as typhoon, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption or tsunami, nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive pollution.

15) Administrative or judicial actions.

16) For other repair issues not caused by the quality failure of the mobile phone, if you need the company to provide repair services, the relative services will be charged separately; in particular, if the damage of the parts other than the quality failure affects this separate repair, it needs to be repaired , You will be needed to first pay to repair damaged parts other than quality failures.

17) Any litigation, arbitration and related expenses incurred by you related to these terms of service.

18) Losses occurred outside of Hong Kong.

Part 3 The validity period

Mi Extended Warranty takes effect from 0:00 on the day after the expiry of the factory warranty of the covered mobile phone, and the validity is one (1) year.

If your mobile with Mi Extended Warranty is replaced due to aftersales policy or replaced due to original warranty, the effective time of the extended warranty of the original device will remain unchanged.

Part 4 Purchase Instructions

1) During Extended Warranty period, one mobile phone can only purchase this Extended Warranty once, and multiple purchases are invalid.

2) When purchasing Extended Warranty, please fill in the relevant information truthfully in accordance with the company's requirements, including but not limited to the purchaser's name, mobile phone number, mobile IMEI code, etc.

3) Within 30 days (inclusive) from the date of activation of Xiaomi mobile phone or express/mail delivery, you will have the second chance eligibility to purchase Extended Warranty.

4) If you replace your mobile device when it falls under the aftersales policy, you can have Mi Extended Warranty for your replaced device. If your mobile is replaced under repair scenario (is not repairable etc.), the replaced new phone cannot enjoy Mi Extended Warranty.

The company strictly abides by the current laws and regulations on the protection of personal information, data and privacy, and adopts adequate technical means and system management to protect the personal information, data and privacy you provide us from being illegally leaked or disclosed to unauthorized persons or Third party.

Part 5 Things you need to pay attention to when having your mobile device for free repairs

1) If your Mobile phone covered by Mi extended Warranty is purchased in third-party sales channel which is not directly operated by Xiaomi, when replacement causing the change of mobile phone IMEI serial number you need to provide a replacement proof to Xiaomi, so that we can connect Mi Extended Warranty from the former mobile to the new phone.

2) The company provides multiple free repair services. In any case, the company will not provide you with compensation in cash.

3) This Extended Warranty service does not support delivery service. You need to carry the mobile phone that needs to be repaired to the

4) In the process of providing the Extended Warranty service, if the company finds that your mobile phone has been disassembled by an unofficial authorized repair shop, or has experienced water/immersion, bent/deformed motherboard, or returned to the repair factory If you pay for repairs, the company will no longer provide you with any services, and will not refund the related costs of purchasing this Extended Warranty service.

5) Before sending your mobile phone for repair, please be reminded to turn off the Xiaomi Cloud Service-Find Mobile Phone function, otherwise it will affect the company to operate the repair service due to quality problems. At the same time, the repair process cannot ensure the security of the information and data in your mobile phone, so if you have important information, documents, materials, pictures, etc., please file or delete it before repairing.

6) If the repair service is delayed due to force majeure, manufacturer's lack of materials, transportation delays, etc., the company will notify you in time, and minimize the delay time.

7) Your mobile phone can enjoy multiple free repairs for quality problems during the 1-year validity, replacement of new phones is not supported. The scrap of parts repaired or replaced by the company will be recycled as residual value.

8) If the company discovers that you are fraudulent, the company has the right not to provide any services and to resort to law.

Part 6 The Termination of Service:

Under one of the following circumstances, Mi Extended Warranty will naturally terminate:

1) Expired of the 1-year validity.

2) Your Xiaomi mobile phone with Extended Warranty service e repaired by a repair shop that is not officially authorized or not approved in writing by the company.

3) Your Xiaomi mobile phone with Extended Warranty service has experienced water/immersion, bending/deformation of the mainboard.

4) When you finished purchase of Mi Extended Warranty, and the company discovers that you have intentionally damaged your phone, the Extended Warranty service will be automatically terminated, and the relative fees will not be refunded.

5) During the Extended Warranty period, the company cannot provide repair services due to special circumstances and replaces you with a new mobile phone of the same model or the similar specifications, the Extended Warranty service will be terminated after the phone is replaced.

If it involves unjust enrichment through making accidents, the company reserves the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the user.

Part 7 Return and transfer of Mi Extended Warranty

1) if your Xiaomi mobile phone is returned within 7 days after purchase, and you have not enjoyed any free repair service provided by the company, the bundled Mi Extended Warranty will be canceled automatically with full refund.

2) The Extended Warranty service cannot be cancelled and refund separately.

3) The Extended Warranty service cannot be transferred once it is sold.

4) Please be sure to keep the IMEI identification code serial number of your mobile phone, so as to avoid any inconvenience caused.