
What is the IP rating of the Redmi 14C?


What is the IP rating of the Redmi 14C?

The Redmi 14C has an IP52 rating for water and dust resistance. This level of protection enhances the durability of the Redmi 14C for everyday use.
For your reference, here is more information about the IP52:
1. An IP52 rating is a classification for a device's resistance to dust and water, as defined by the IP (Ingress Protection) rating system;
2. 5 Dust Protection: The device is protected against limited ingress of dust. It is not fully dust-tight, but the amount of dust that enters does not interfere with the operation of the device;
3. 2 Water Protection: The device is protected against water spray from up to 15 degrees from the vertical. This means it can handle light water exposure but is not protected against water jets or immersion;
4. This rating suggests that the device can handle some exposure to dust and light water spray but is not suitable for more severe conditions like submersion or heavy water exposure.