
How to solve if home screen icon abnormal and icon missed?


How to solve if home screen icon abnormal and icon missed?


1.If home screen has an extra icon for no reason, it is necessary to confirm whether the abnormal icon is a shortcut. Shortcuts are characterized by triangle tag icon in the lower right corner. If there are more icons and one of them has a triangle tag, then delete the triangle tag icon.

2.If the home screen icon missed for no reason, there may be a problem with the launcher. go Settings>>Apps>>Manage Apps>> the missed App>>Clear data. But, if the data is cleared, all the icons will go back to their default location.

3.If the three-party software is lost, it is suggested to reinstall. If the system icon is lost; it is suggested to backup and clear the data.

4.The App icon may be hidden by mistake, you may click Security App-Hidden apps-find your app- close or spread two fingers apart on the Home screen to view hidden apps and set it.